Onstage during Post Malone’s performance in St. Louis on Saturday night, he fell through a trap door. He misstepped during the performance of “Circles,” landing midway in the opening where he had earlier lowered his guitar. Medics arrived and removed the rapper. Until Posty reappeared 15 minutes later with a sincere apology, it was uncertain whether the concert would continue on as planned.
“St. Louis, I’m so fucking sorry I ruined the show tonight, ladies and gentleman,” he said. “I promise next time I come around, I won’t fucking wreck y’alls night, I’m sorry for that. That being said, fuck… That being said, I want to thank you for your patience and I’m sorry.”
“There was a bigass hole in the middle of the stage that I busted my ass on,” he continued. “I want to say thank you to everybody for hanging in there and thank you to everybody for… I got the best fucking fans in the world.”
In the end, he sang a few more songs. Tonight in Columbus, Post Malone is scheduled to resume his tour.