Mario’s movie : Nearly everything appears to be in its proper place, but something is wrong.

The first trailer for Nintendo’s upcoming Mario movie is about to be released, more than a year after the cast was unveiled during one of the most memorable Directs ever. The movie, which arrives in theaters in 2023, will have its very own Direct on Thursday, during which its first teaser will be unveiled. The appearance of Chris Pratt’s Mario, though, may have just been revealed via a recent leak.
Earlier this week, Nintendo and Illumination released the first-ever official behind-the-scenes images of Mario and a sizable portion of the Mushroom Kingdom. The aforementioned Direct announcement was posted together with what looks to be the movie’s poster. However, a picture purportedly released by a McDonald’s employee may have revealed movie Mario’s face to the world for the first time.
On Twitter, ConnorEatsPants posted a screenshot from their Discord, challenging the authenticity of the Mario in the image. As a McDonald’s employee is identified on the Discord poster, this suggests that the fast food restaurant chain had promotional materials available before the release of the first trailer. Maybe a calendar listing the toys that will be offered with Happy Meals in the upcoming months.
While the majority of the design looks to be quite in line with Mario’s conventional aesthetic, something feels odd, as was mentioned in the very first response to the image. What specifically has altered to give Mario a different appearance has sparked a vigorous discussion in response to that. According to some, the Pratt version of the plumber has more realistic arms and his cheeks appear to be a little broader. The purported movie version also has a buttoned shirt.
Of course, this in no way implies that this is how the Mario from Illumination’s film will appear. However, other information mentioned in the responses makes it appear quite probable. The gloves Mario is wearing in the image above have been compared to those on the official poster, and there have even been comparisons made between the materials used to make both Marios’ dungarees.